Packing for the Perfect Trip

By , 23 July 2024

There are two types of traveller.

  1. You start planning what you want to take with you up to a month in advance, picking up the odd bit here-and-there, getting the suitcase out and pre-packing, packing and then packing again so that you’re ready to go at least a week before your trip.

  2. You wake up late on the day you leave, grab a hold-all, stuff whatever’s clean (or almost clean) and your toothbrush in the bag and dash back in the house just before getting in the taxi to get your passport.

Here at ReduceMyExcess we think there’s a better way. A harmonious middle ground where you can be prepared, but not obsessive. Care-free but not care-less!

There’s a few considerations you can make which can have a serious impact on your travelling experience in a really positive way. Some might be really obvious, but perhaps there’s a few you won’t have thought of before:

  1. Do you need to take luggage at all?! - This might sound daft, but by taking only hand-luggage you can save up to 40mins of precious tanning time in your destination by not having to queue to pick up your cases. The added bonus of this is that when you get back to the UK, you’ll be through security and on your way home even quicker. Packing light will have the biggest impact on your airport experience.

  2. Don’t save money on Luggage – The ReduceMyExcess team love to save a few pounds here and there but we think we’re pretty good as spotting a false economy too. In our experience, it’s worth spending a little more on your luggage than you really want to. If you can wait until it gets colder in the UK, you’ll find better deals on great luggage, otherwise you’ll end up sacrificing quality to save money JUST before you go on your holiday. Sturdy luggage with four caster wheels means no more dragging your case and less strain on your back.

  3. Toiletries – If you’re staying in a hotel, most will offer complimentary toiletries. Why not email them to check first if you’re unsure. Remember that for security purposes, it’s easier to put these into your checked luggage. If you’re going hand-luggage only, remember that you’ll only be able to take liquids in bottles of less than 100ml and they’ll have to be carried in a clear, plastic bag. If this is your plan, pack them at the top of your bag/case so that they’re easy to remove for security checks.

  4. Don’t forget your charger – Nobody likes to be without their beloved smartphone/tablet when they’re travelling. They can be a great way to stay in touch with loved-ones, pass the hours watching films and web-clips and useful for buying your ReduceMyExcess car hire insurance policy before you hire a car! Make sure you’ve packed your charger and cable. Remember that no-where in the world has the same plugs as the UK, so take an adapter to save money buying an over-priced one at the airport. If you can, think about taking a longer charging cable. Most older hotels won’t have plugs near your bed. Essential if you’re using your phone as an alarm clock as well.

  5. Pack a phone-holder – Packing a cheap phone holder for the car means you can double up your phone as a Sat-Nav and save money on hiring one or having to pack a separate one. This saves money and space. There are a lot of navigation apps available that allow you to download the maps in advance meaning you don’t need to use your mobile data whilst overseas. You could also pre-load the app with your destinations of choice.