10 Translated Phrases for Your Next European Trip

23 August 2024

15 mins read

by Anna Jones

Renting a car when travelling across Europe is a fantastic way of taking in the country’s best sights at your leisure. However, it is important to be prepared for any potential issues you could face out on the road.

Knowing the right phrases in the language of the country you are visiting will come in handy if you do end up in tricky situations, and we have done the hard work for you. This page features 10 key phrases translated into the languages of the main European countries for which we provide hire car excess insurance.

Dutch – Netherlands, Belgium

  • Hello – Hallo
  • Goodbye – Afscheid
  • Please – Alstubieft
  • Thank you – Danke u
  • My car has broken down – Mijn auto is kapot gegaan
  • My car won’t start – Mijn auto wil niet starten
  • I have had a car accident – Ik he been auto-ongeluk gehad
  • My car has run out of petrol – Mijn auto heft geen benzine meer
  • My car has a flat tyre – Mijn auto heft een lekke band
  • Please send an ambulance/the police – Stuur alstublieft een ambulance/de politie

    French – France, Belgium

  • Hello – Bonjour
  • Goodbye – Au reviour
  • Please – S’il vous plait
  • Thank you – Merci
  • My car has broken down – Ma voiture est en panne
  • My car won’t start – Ma voiture ne démarre pas
  • I have had a car accident – J’ai eu un accident de voiture
  • My car has run out of petrol – Ma voiture est à court d’essence
  • My car has a flat tyre – Ma voiture a un pneu crevé
  • Please send an ambulance/the police – S’il vous plait envoyez une ambulance/la police

    German – Germany, Belgium

  • Hello - Hallo
  • Goodbye - Tschüss
  • Please - Bitte
  • Thank you - Danke
  • My car has broken down – Mein Auto ist kaputt
  • My car won’t start – Mein Auto spingt nicht an
  • I have had a car accident – Ich hatte einen Autounfall
  • My car has run out of petrol – Mein Auto hat kein Benzin mehr
  • My car has a flat tyre – Mein Auto hat einen platen Reifen
  • Please send an ambulance/the police – Bitte schicken Sie einen Krankenwagen/die Polizei


  • Hello – Ciao
  • Goodbye – Arrivederci
  • Please – Per favore
  • Thank you – Grazie
  • My car has broken down – La mia macchina è in panne
  • My car won’t start – La mia macchina non si avvia
  • I have had a car accident – Ho avuto un incidente stradale
  • My car has run out of petrol – La mia macchina è senza benzina
  • My car has a flat tyre – La mia macchina ha una gomma a terra
  • Please send an ambulance/the police – Si prega di inviare un’ambulanza/la polizia


  • Hello – Witam
  • Goodbye – do widzenia
  • Please – Proszę
  • Thank you - Dziękuję
  • My car has broken down - Mój samochód się zepsuł
  • My car won’t start - Mój samochód nie uruchamia się
  • I have had a car accident - Miałem wypadek samochodowy
  • My car has run out of petrol - W moim samochodzie skończyła się benzyna
  • My car has a flat tyre - Mój samochód ma przebitą oponę
  • Please send an ambulance/the police - Proszę wysłać karetkę/policję


  • Hello - Hola
  • Goodbye - Adios
  • Please – Por favor
  • Thank you - Gracias
  • My car has broken down - Mi auto se averió
  • My car won’t start - Mi auto no arranca
  • I have had a car accident - Tuve un accidente automovilístico
  • My car has run out of petrol - Mi coche se ha quedado sin gasolina
  • My car has a flat tyre - Mi auto tiene una llanta pinchada
  • Please send an ambulance/the police - Por favor envíe una ambulancia/policía

    Learning these key phrases will allow you to feel more confident when driving abroad and will ensure you are thoroughly prepared for your next trip. As well as learning these important phrases, it is also essential to know the phone numbers for the emergency services and for roadside assistance. With every eventuality now covered you can fully enjoy your travels!

    About Anna Jones

    My name is Anna and since I am a recent English graduate, it goes without saying that I love to read. I also enjoy travelling as I find seeing and experiencing different cultures intriguing. I like to try the local cuisine, learn about the country’s customs and visit historic sites. I have currently traveled to 15 different countries, but I would like to see many more! When I return, I compile my favourite photos and videos from the trip into a short video so I can remember my travels for life!